Answer: LUNGE
The answer LUNGE has 112 possible clues. See the results below.
Possible Clues:
Last seen in:
- The Times - Concise - Times2 Jumbo 615 - June 7, 2014
- USA Today - May 30 2014
- The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 27,502 - May 29 2014
- The Chronicle of Higher Education - May 16 2014
- Irish Times (Crosaire) - Apr 25 2014
- Family Time - Apr 21 2014
- The Times - Concise - Times2 Concise 6353 - March 20, 2014
- Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Jan 26 2014
- The Times - Concise - New Year's Day Concise Jumbo - January 1, 2014
- - Dec 15 2013